Storichain uses Distributed Ledger Technology - theojodumeh



Kamis, 18 Juli 2019

Storichain uses Distributed Ledger Technology

With a growing story tree,

Monetize together
We live in the world with dozens of stories. Webtoons, web novels, dramas, movies, musicals, etc. We talk, weep and laugh. I give advice about the story through addition. The author gains the power of his empathy, expresses gratitude, and considers the proposal.

Communication between writers and readers of important foundations for the creation of the online age. We strive to create a more fair and stable contract that creates asset value through communication between the artist and the reader.

The core of the story industry is human problems and the need for decentralization.
Why does the story need a block chain industry?
What is the story industry?

This means media industries based on narratives such as movies, dramas and webtoons. The role of distributors in the current story industry is positive because they are dedicated to end users. Their efforts to provide optimal benefits for their secondary work.

But how much can screenwriters benefit from 10 million movies? How many generic readers benefit from reading and responding to original novels? When is the original article is sold under the second copyright, how often is "excess income" distributed to the original author?

I think the problem of distributing excess profits yesterday and today, but tomorrow will not happen again. Now it is a distribution media company. In the future, it reaches 130 trillion won. The other hand, reliable collection of quantitative data is very difficult and can be used as a basis for distribution.

Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) "Creative contribution data" The time has come to offer rewards. And if you can turn your story IP (intellectual property) into assets, collect money from IP stories, and track key contributory data from creation, you'll soon have a completely new lifestyle in two creative areas. .

Storage chain function:

1. Optimized

Optimized for Collaborate / co-author creators / contract between authors, weekly rewards and APIs for third-party content providers

2. Easy to use.

I want to talk anywhere, anytime.
Easy and fast authoring platform.

3. Mating

Author Completion / Collaboration / Job Statement Contract / Update Notification / Completion Writing

4. Participation

A platform where you can participate in work, become writers, create stories, and participate

5. Transparent

A platform that equitably and transparently compensates participants.

6. Platform

Global global platform that can be protected by translation, sale or copyright for global expansion
Metaphor for echo

Narrative SNS for all people

Public story

A place where everyone can keep their personal information in space where the situation can be put into stories
Refunds are available for unread components. Scene-based response, sharing, rating, recommendations
Your contribution to reading is also based on your response!
Cut-in Talk: Commentary between actors

An award to be given after giving the artist an episode of personal life
Distribution of copyright income as growth index
An animated viewer for your readers. Crypto-Actor change function!
Optimized for professional authors

Pro Story

Professional authoring tools for creating / distributing video scripts, webtoons, web novels, and interactive storage

Ability to upload illustrations for Illustrator monetization
Creative progress, latest changes in contributions, story growth charts
Co-authors (translators, illustrators, acoustics, assistant authors), Smart NDA copyright protection, plagiarism detection
Pre-built smart contract - Contract framework kit for revenue distribution based on participant contribution
Fundraising and Global Business

Contests and trade stories
Video production / publishing funds
Trade stories through growth charts measured by participants' contributions
Gateway for beginners writer through Contesting Menu
Deploy and complete cryptocurrency-based coupons
Reliable gift based on narrative storytelling

Pro Stori: Menu for professional writers
Open Stori: Create social stories for everyone who share their stories with narration.
Stori Contesting: Contest menu for influencing amateur writers and marketers
Trading Stori: Buying and selling intellectual property stories
Stori Funding: Fundraising for production of films, webtoons, etc.


2017 3

Branching - Concept IDEA

Q4 2017

- Team building and consultation

Q1 2018

- Business model building

- Storyboard draft echo system and first draft of group development

- MVP design

- Web publishing

Q2 2018

- Prototyping

- Concept Video Demo

- Contributing architect

- Smart Core 1 Architect

- Sales tokens

Q3 2018

- Seed creator invitation

- MVP closure

2018 4/4


- Creator environmental experiment

- (centralized) web application

Q1 2019

- Launched alpha service (using Luniverse)

- Smart Architect Core Agreement 2

- Building entertainment and partnerships

Q3 2019

- Stori contract, GI contract

- Contracted

Q4 2019

- Beta service (print / distribution)

- original content

2020 1st Quarter

- Story contract kits released

- Release kit plot template

2020 1st Quarter

- Released Crypto Actor Kit


- General Documentation Kit
Meet the team, great people

  1. Junes Lee Co-Founder & CEO
  2. Jung Yoon-cheol> CCO (Film Diriector)
  3. Choi Jin-young> CTO
  4. Kim Sang Wook> CSO (Developer)
  5. Han Sang Hoon (copyright, media and intellectual property)
  6. Choi Mi-ki> CBO (Business Operator)
  7. James Lee> Chief Engineer (co-founder)
  8. Yang Tae Suk> Accountant
  9. Effy Song> Communication Director
  10. Kim Chang-gyu> SF Novel Writer
  11. Kcod Kyung> Developer
  12. Hong Ye Choi
  13. Jeong Hoon> Business Strategy
  14. Park Sang-joon> Content Strategy Maker

  1. Lee Chang-ho> Movie director
  2. Lee Myung Sung> Consultant
  3. Park, Sung Jun> Dongguk University Cryptology Center, Block Cranes Research Center
  4. Kim Jong-yoon> Movie producer
  5. Jung Hee-won> CEO of AnySign
  6. Dong Hyun's Lawyer> Block Chain Expert
  7. Shakil Muhammad> Block Chain Experts


By: The.ojodumeh
ETH: 0xdEC485bb3C3265A4CD296E132A59068eba3eD951

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